Assessment 3: A critical evaluation of sustainability implications of HS planning INT Sem 2 2024
- Assessment Description
HEAL5005 Health System Planning Assessment 3 _ Case study
Title: Enhancing sustained HS performance and improvements in population health by measuring what matters: A Critical Evaluation and Redevelopment of the Outcome Measures of the Tanzanian HSSP V
Worth: 40%
Due: 29th November 2024 at 15:00 Hours AWST
Length: 4000 words (+/-10%)
- A Critical Evaluation and Redevelopment of the Outcome Measures of the Tanzanian HSSP V
A Critical Evaluation and Redevelopment of the Outcome Measures of the Tanzanian HSSP V
The context of health system planning is characterised by formidable challenges that raise concerns about the health system’s capacity to deliver affordable and cost-effective outcomes sustainably in the long term. Many of the challenges point to the fact that efforts to enable the health system to achieve sustained health outcomes and performance over time ought to start with effective planning. Planning for a sustainable health system deliberately considers strategic actions to achieve long-term sustained health outcomes and improved health system performance in the long term. Governments are now incorporating sustainability implications into their health sector plans. However, the problem of most health system planning in LMICs is still stark in outcome measures that focus on the volume of services rather than the value of health services for the patients and clients. Meanwhile, notable developments about what to measure and to measure what matters are ongoing; developed countries are transforming the health systems and strategic planning by embracing value-based outcome measures, shifting from volume to value. See examples from the UK and Australia.
The fundamental purpose of the health system is to achieve good health outcomes. Measuring, reporting, and sustaining better outcomes is important for demonstrating the health system’s contribution to improving the population’s health. As the concept of value-based health care rapidly spreads worldwide, low—and middle-income nations are starting to embrace it and accelerate universal health coverage. Historically, health systems in low- and middle-income countries have taken a volume-based approach to health rather than a value-based one. The public sector has focused on coverage rates or access, and the private sector profits when it drives the quantity of expensive, hospital-based care. However, shifting to a value-based approach can lead to significant benefits, including improved health outcomes, reduced costs, and sustained improvements in the population’s health over time. Adhering to this path will create long-lasting structural flaws that increase costs without delivering desired results (value), similar to what we see in many developed economies.
- The case study: The Tanzania’s Health Sector Plan V
The case study: The Tanzania’s Health Sector Plan V
The case-study
- Tanzania’s Fifth Health Sector Strategic Plan July 2021 – June 2026 (HSSP V). Tanzania-Health-Sector-Strategic-Plan-V-17-06-2021-Final-signed.pdf. Tanzania-Health-Sector-Strategic-Plan-V-17-06-2021-Final-signed.pdf. – Alternative Formats Only read Chapters 1-3 for purposes of this assessment.
The formulation of HSSP V is part of a long tradition of formulating health sector strategic plans (HSSPs) which started in 1999. The vision of HSSP V is to have a healthy and prosperous society that contributes fully to the development of individuals and the nation. As its mission the health sector will provide sustainable health services with standards that are acceptable to all citizens without financial constraints, based on geographical and gender equity. At the outcome level, HSSP V aims at moving to universal health coverage for the population of Tanzania, to be achieved in 2030.
- The task
The task for Assessment 3
Critically evaluate and redevelop Tanzania’s Fifth Health Sector Strategic Plan 2021-2026 (HSSP V) outcome measures using the Quintuple aims framework, considering value-based healthcare and the sustainability of improvements in population health in the Tanzanian context. Submit a report through Turnitin for assessment. Your report should address the following tasks; 1. Provide a descriptive analysis of the health sector plan in Tanzania (HSSP V). Use the sustainability framework to describe the health system’s strategic vision, collaborations with a range of stakeholders, relevance and practicality of the plan, the practice of evaluations and use of evidence for planning, communication, effectiveness and efficiency, and capacity to plan and implement the plan. The sustainability framework Georgia-health-policy-center-sustainability-framework.pdf Georgia-health-policy-center-sustainability-framework.pdf – Alternative Formats 2. Based on the “Good practice for the development of robust National Health Policies and Strategic Plans (NHPSPs)- Reference: Strategizing national health in the 21st century: a handbook Chapter 1, Pages 17 to 25 only. 9789241549745-chapter1-eng.pdf 9789241549745-chapter1-eng.pdf – Alternative Formats
3. Critically analyse the sustained improvement in population health outcomes over time for one population group. You can choose a population group for your analysis based on either the prevalence of the disease condition (i.e., the proportion of the population with TB) or age group (i.e., under-five children). In your analysis,
4. Critically analyse the sustained improvement in health system performance over time. For this task, choose three (3) out of the six health system building blocks.
5. Based on your analysis of the improvements in population health outcomes, health system performance and your knowledge about Tanzania’s health system planning context, use the framework for planning sustainable impact programs to discuss planning strategies for sustainable health outcomes and health system performance and other relevant resources – bringing-the-future-into-focus-sustainability-planning-workbook.pdf bringing-the-future-into-focus-sustainability-planning-workbook.pdf – Alternative Formats and dynamics-of-sustainability.pdf dynamics-of-sustainability.pdf – Alternative Formats , Sustainable health review, to address this task effectively,
6. One of the strategies for sustainability in HS planning that is lagging behind in LMICs is measuring outcomes that matter. Drawing on value based healthcare and Quintuple aim framework for outcome measures, how should the Tanzanian HS planning further enhance sustained HS performance and improvements in population health?
- Suggested outline for your report
Suggested outline for your report
Your report should at least include the following information and headings/subheadings:
Cover page
Executive summary
The sustainability of the Tanzanian HSSP – Tasks 1
The practice of HS planning in Tanzania– Task 2
Trend analysis of population health outcomes and HS performance from 2010 to 2024 – Tasks 3 and 4.
Planning strategies for Sustainable HS performance and improvements in population health -Task 5
Further recommendations for future considerations – Task 6
References and submission
Submit the assignment through Turnitin on the blackboard. |
- Marking Key
Performance criteria | 0-30% | 30-50% | 50-65% | 65-80% | 85-100% | EM |
Demonstrates critical analytical skills and appropriate application of relevant concepts and theories throughout the analysis.
Provides a comprehensive descriptive analysis of the Tanzanian HSSP addressing all aspects of a sustainability framework. Makes a clear judgment about the good practice in planning for 21stcentrury health systems. For example;
Limited application of theoretical concepts used.
Unsatisfactory descriptive analysis of the Tanzanian HSSP Limited judgment about the good practice in planning for 21stcentrury health systems.
Theoretical concepts used but not explained or critiqued.
Satisfactory descriptive analysis of the Tanzanian HSSP. No examples or analysis lacks depth. Clear judgment about the good practice in planning for 21stcentrury health systems. Explanations are not satisfactory.
Relevant application of theoretical concepts clearly with variations in explanations and critiquing.
Satisfactory descriptive analysis of the Tanzanian HSSP with variations in depth of analysis and use of examples. Clear judgment about the good practice in planning for 21st century health systems. Explanations are satisfactory. |
Theoretical concepts explained and used appropriately but not critiqued.
Satisfactory descriptive analysis of the Tanzanian HSSP with variations in depth of analysis and with clear examples. Clear judgment about the good practice in planning for 21st century health systems. Explanations are satisfactory. Comprehensiveness, quality and depth of analysis could be improved |
Theoretical concepts and conceptual frameworks explained, critiqued with exceptional application throughout the analysis.
Satisfactory descriptive analysis of the Tanzanian HSSP with meticulous attention to depth of analysis and examples used. Clear judgment about the good practice in planning for 21st century health systems. Explanations are satisfactory. Meticulous attention to quality and depth of analysis. |
15 |
Critical analysis of sustained improvements in population health outcomes and sustained HS performance over time. For a satisfactory answer, students must demonstrate the following;
Not on track or did not address the task for the assessment adequately.
For example….. |
On track and demonstrates good attempt in addressing tasks for the assessment
Significant variations in completeness of assessment tasks and comprehensives of the analysis.
You needed to…… |
Has reasonably addressed all the tasks.
Depth and quality of analysis could be improved. You needed to…… |
Has addressed all the tasks with meticulous details to the analysis.
Some attempt to demonstrate imagination and creativity
You needed to…… |
Has exceptionally addressed all the tasks with meticulous attention to the analysis | 15 |
Problem solving and critical thinking in addressing sustainability implications of the Tanzanian HSSP. For a satisfactory answer, students must demonstrate the following.
Significant variations in completeness of assessment tasks and comprehensives of the analysis. | On track and demonstrates good attempt in addressing tasks for the assessment
Significant variations in completeness of assessment tasks and comprehensives of the analysis. You needed to…… |
Has addressed the purpose of the assignment coherently.
Depth and quality of analysis could be improved.
You needed to…… |
Has addressed the purpose of the assignment coherently and with some attempt to demonstrate imagination.
You needed to…… |
Has addressed the purpose of the assignment comprehensively and imaginatively in an academic manner.
You needed to…… |
25 |
Critical skills in analysing new development in health system planning
Not on track or did not address the task for the assessment adequately. | Has not addressed all the tasks.
Significant variations in completeness and comprehensives.
You needed to…… |
Has reasonably addressed all the tasks.
You needed to…… |
Has addressed all the tasks with meticulous details to the analysis
You needed to…… |
Has exceptionally addressed all the tasks with meticulous attention to the analysis.
You needed to…… |
20 |
Demonstrates skills in critical synthesis and appropriate use of relevant documents as evidence to support arguments.
The work is properly referenced using the 7th APA Edition, and references are presented in a bibliography table with an in-depth description of how those resources have been used throughout the assessment.
No or very limited synthesis and significant deficiencies in appropriate use of relevant literature as evidence to support arguments. No or limited reflection on resources used as presented in bibliography table. No or incomplete annotated bibliography. The resources were irrelevant to the analysis or discussion | A good attempt in synthesizing relevant literature and minor deficiencies in appropriate use as evidence to support arguments.
Some variations in completeness of the annotated bibliography. Completeness and relevance of listed resources to the analysis or discussion |
Critical synthesis and appropriate use of relevant literature as evidence to support arguments.
Complete annotated bibliography. The listed resources were relevant to the analysis or discussion |
Critical synthesis and appropriate use of relevant literature as evidence to support arguments.
Complete annotated bibliography and its comprehensive. The listed resources were relevant to the analysis or discussion.
Critical synthesis and appropriate use of relevant literature as evidence to support arguments.
Complete annotated bibliography and its comprehensive. The listed resources were relevant to the analysis or discussion.
15 |
Consistency in completeness and realistic self- reflection demonstrates high level standard of personal learning goals and performance.
Presents a completed checklist and self-reflection on completion of tasks of the assessment and expected performance.
Presents a completed checklist and self-reflection on completion of tasks of the assessment and expected performance. Significant variations in completeness and realistic self- reflection.
Presents a completed checklist and self-reflection on completion of tasks of the assessment and expected performance.
Consistency in completeness and realistic self- reflection could be improved.
Presents a completed checklist and self-reflection on completion of tasks of the assessment and expected performance.
Consistency in completeness and realistic self- reflection demonstrated clear understanding of the expected performance.
Presents a completed checklist and self-reflection on completion of tasks of the assessment and expected performance.
Consistency in completeness and realistic self- reflection demonstrates high level standard of personal learning goals and performance
Presents a completed checklist and self-reflection on completion of tasks of the assessment and expected performance.
Consistency in completeness and realistic self- reflection demonstrates high level standard of personal learning goals and performance.
10 |
Total marks | 100 | |||||
Weight | 40 | |||||
Written feedback
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- Late Assessments
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- Application for Assessment Extension
Application for Assessment Extension
Note: Assessment extensions will be granted only in cases of urgent need, and only where formally documented requests are made to Public Health Teaching Support, in advance of the assessment being due.
Students are expected to lodge an assignment extension request form and supporting documentation to Public Health Teaching Support at least 2 days before the due date of the assessment. In exceptional circumstances, a request may be accepted up to 5 working days after the due date of the assessment. Such requests will only be accepted where the student is able to provide the Public Health Teaching Support with a satisfactory explanation of why he or she was not able to submit the application for extension by the due date of the assessment. Please contact Public Health Teaching Support by email if you have any queries regarding your application: How to apply for an extension: