4.1 Discussion. The Whole of the Commandments
Getting Started
In our second devotional on the Ten Commandments, we looked at our God as “jealous” God. Now, as we continue our examination of the Ten Commandments and how they can serve to direct, form and even fulfill our lives, we will step back to gain perspective on how our God wants to keep us close to Him, to keep us as those who belong to only Him. Since our God came into humanity through the line of Judah, a Jewish man, we can also learn much about the Ten Commandments and our “jealous God” by viewing them through the cultural lens of the Jewish people.
Upon successful completion of this discussion, you will be able to:
• Discuss the Ten Commandments as a whole, noting how they are all interwoven with one another.
• Share how breaking one of the commandments may lead to breaking all of them.
Background Information
These Ten Commandments are considered to be the quintessential message about right and wrong, a timeless standard that defies human creation. In other words, we did not state what is right or wrong—these standards exist outside of our own creation. Moreover, these statutes of right and wrong are all woven together to form the very basis, the very fabric of our lives. When one is broken, the others are broken as well.
For this experiential devotional series, we are to consider the Ten Commandments as a whole. Examine the Ten Commandments as if they were not only written to inform our lives, but also written to form our lives, to form our very souls. In order to keep us close to our God, in order to form us into His very image, His commandments tell us what He looks like, how He acts, and what He wants from us—so that we can flourish in life, so that we can have life in its fullness.
Re-examine the Ten Commandments. Now, rather than regard them in a “list” format, see how they are arranged so that if one is broken or missing, then the entire pattern has been broken. For example, if we were to have other gods before our God, if we were to hold anything more crucial and important than Him in our lives, the other commandments are rendered ineffectual and of little worth, for they exist to keep us close to our one and only living God.
1. Do not have any other god before God.
2. Do not make yourself an idol.
3. Do not take the Lord’s name in vain.
4. Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy.
5. Honor your mother and father.
6. Do not murder.
7. Do not commit adultery.
8. Do not steal.
9. Do not testify or bear false witness against your neighbor.
10. Do not covet.
1. Navigate to the discussion topic and respond to the following prompts:
a. Discuss the Ten Commandments as a whole, noting how they are all interwoven with one another.
b. Share how breaking one of the commandments may lead to breaking all of them.
2. Your postings should also:
a. Be well developed by providing clear answers with evidence of critical thinking.
b. Add greater depth to the discussion by introducing new ideas.