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Do My Paper- Assignments: 1) Watch Video: Create an Annotated Bibliography Look at the Sample Annotated Bibliography click here Your finished assignment should look like the Annotated Bibliography in the video and like the sample. 2) Read the document Credible Sources.pdf in Materials. The criteria in the document need to be considered when picking your sources in the Annotated Bibliography assignment.

• Objectives: Annotated Bibliography for Your Informative Paper on Your Career Topic
–Understand how to access Research Databases
–Know how to create an Annotated Bibliography

1) Watch Video: Create an Annotated Bibliography
Look at the Sample Annotated Bibliography click here Your finished assignment should look like the Annotated Bibliography in the video and like the sample.

2) Read the document Credible Sources.pdf in Materials. The criteria in the document need to be considered when picking your sources in the Annotated Bibliography assignment.

3) First, you must have already picked your Career topic with your 3 point thesis sentence before you can go on. You need this, so you know what research to choose. If you do not have a topic, yet, you must stop and decide on your topic.
• Open up a new Word document and title it Annotated Bibliography. Keep the document available since you will use it to record information as you work through the following steps. Use the following databases to obtain your sources (at least 4 sources) .
• Now that you have your topic with a 3 point thesis sentence, to find your sources for your topic for the Annotated Bibliography, you can use the Library Research Databases – Academic Search Premier, or you may use Google Scholar (found in a Google search).
• Review the video on creating your Annotated Bibliography and how your paper should be formatted. For each citation, you will include the following information as mentioned in the video:
a) Summary of the information presented by the source, b) Evaluation of the source’s usefulness, c) Type of source

–When finished with your Annotated Bibliography, turn in the document to the Assignment Dropbox.

Example of Annotated Bibliography
Beamon, Shannon. “A Few Minutes of Reading Benefits Students, Workers.” Stanly News &
Press, The (Albemarle, NC), 30 Sept. 2017. EBSCOhost,
62814980496&site=src_ic-live&scope=site. Accessed 16 January 2022.
Beamon writes about a newly-created reading program at an elementary school and interviews
teachers and faculty that help younger students improve their reading skills. Beamon’s article
interviews teachers who believe that a good environment is essential for reading and that
students’ reading scores increase the more attention they get in the classroom. Beamon’s article
was published on September 30th, 2017 in the Stanly News & Press (NC). From this article, I
can use direct quotes like “the program was primarily created to improve reading comprehension
test scores, it has also boosted the school in many more ways” to prove that being able to read at
a young age is necessary for students and will help them in many ways. This is a secondary
source compiled from academic research articles.
Neal, James. “Health Benefits of Reading Available at Enid Library.” Enid News & Eagle (OK),
16 Apr. 2020. EBSCOhost,
W 61395115147&site=src_ic-live&scope=site. Accessed 13 January 2022.
Lastname 2
Neal uses data and research found by the Oklahoma State Department of Health and the
Journal of Social Science and Medicine to explain the health benefits of reading. Neal goes on to
show that reading actual chapter books have two main benefits: engaging the mind and
promoting the development of emotional intelligence. Neal wrote this article and published it in
the Enid News & Eagle (OK) on April 16th, 2020. Throughout the article, Neal uses data from
research to justify that reading is beneficial and I can also use quotes from his article to support
my essay. This is a secondary source from peer reviewed research studies.