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The Research Proposal assignment will focus on a nursing relevant problem. The proposal will not be implemented during this course; however, in many DNP or PhD programs a proposal similar to this assignment will be developed and implemented as part of the program. Note: This proposal is set up for quantitative and not qualitative research. Purpose:

Research Proposal Information (all three parts)


A research proposal is a formal academic paper that identifies an issue or practice question, describes why the issue is important, and outlines steps to investigate solutions or discover more information.

The Research Proposal assignment will focus on a nursing relevant problem. The proposal will not be implemented during this course; however, in many DNP or PhD programs a proposal similar to this assignment will be developed and implemented as part of the program.

Note: This proposal is set up for quantitative and not qualitative research.


The purpose of the project is to identify and apply scholarly research and evidence from the literature to a current practice problem. In completing the proposal, students will develop the ability to translate research into practice, apply new knowledge, evaluate practice, examine initiatives that improve the reliability of health care practices and outcomes, and prepare to participate in collaborative research.

The proposal must be:

· Setting/population specific

· Grounded in clinical practice

· Designed to inform practice


· The project will be completed in three parts. Upon completion, students will have one complete research proposal.

· Part 1: Identification of a Practice Problem

· Part 2: Literature Review

· Part 3: Research Methodology – The Completed Final Project

· Each part will be written as a formal scholarly paper (title page, introduction, body, conclusion, reference page, appendix) using APA 7th edition student paper format.

· Templates for each part are included in the assignment instructions. Students will use the templates to assist in identifying required criteria and appropriate formatting.

· Utilizing instructor feedback, students will incorporate Research Proposal Parts I & II with Part III to construct a complete EBP Proposal.

Please follow the grading rubric for written assignments which can be found in the course resource section. Be sure to review all assignment instructions and rubric criteria prior to submitting papers.


Part 1 is due at the end of week four (4) and is worth 10% of the course grade

Part 2 is due at the end of week eight (8) and is worth 10% of the course grade

Part 3 is due at the end of week eleven (11) and is worth 25% of the course grade

Part 1: Identification of a Practice Problem

The practice problem, purpose for research, and PICOT question. Refer to the Part 1 instructions for full Part 1 requirements.

Part 2: Literature Review

The literature review and Literature Matrix. Refer to the Part 2 instructions for full Part 2 requirements.

Part 3: Research Methodology – The Completed Final Project

Research methodology, ethical considerations, and study limitations. Refer to the Part 3 instructions for full Part 3 requirements.

The proposal will be implemented in three parts as listed below. Each part has a different due date. Part 1 will be included in Part 2. Parts 1 and 2 will be included in Part 3. Parts 1 should be revised according to feedback prior to adding to Part 2. Part 2 should be revised in the same way prior to adding to Part 3. See course schedule in syllabus for exact dates.

Please follow the grading rubric for written assignments which can be found in the Course Resource section.

Research Proposal Part I (Beginning of Research Proposal)

This paper is to be written as a formal paper using APA format. Address the following:

· Background of the problem addressed

· Significance of the problem addressed in the proposal (what will happen if we don’t address?)

· One sentence problem statement (The problem addressed in this proposal is )

The problem is __________________, resulting in __________________ (citation).

EXAMPLE: The problem is lack of symptom recognition, interpretation, and self-care decision-making, resulting in delayed care-seeking behavior and potentially unnecessary hospitalization (Reeder, et al. 2017).

· One sentence purpose statement (The purpose of this proposal is to ….)

The purpose of this (insert study design here) study is to ________________.

EXAMPLE: The purpose of this exploratory-descriptive study is to explore symptom recognition, interpretation, reporting, and healthcare-seeking decision-making prior to hospitalization among persons who self-manage chronic heart failure.

· PICOT question/hypotheses

Research Proposal Part II (Middle of Research Proposal)

This paper is to be written as a formal paper using APA format with the literature review matrix inserted as an Appendix (refer to APA manual for formatting an Appendix in a paper).

In addition to corrected (if needed) Part 1, which the paper will start with:

· Find 10 research articles (quantitative or qualitative, no systematic reviews, metanalysis, or non-research), peer-reviewed, published in scholarly journals.

· Complete the Literature Review Matrix (evidence table) with the 10 research articles selected, using the template provided.

· Data are summarized, no quotes (do not just copy and paste into boxes).

· Include an in-text citation of the article being reviewed with the reference to it included in the References section of the paper.

· In the Literature Review section of the paper, provide a comprehensive, succinct review of at least five of the articles selected from the matrix.

· Synthesize in forming with a comparison and contrast of methods, designs, and populations of selected articles and clearly identifies gaps that point to the need for the proposed study and a synthesis of the articles.

Research Proposal Part III

In addition to corrected (if needed) Parts 1 and 2, which the paper will include:

· Description of the research design and rationale for selecting this design to answer the PICOT question

· Sampling techniques that represent the population of interest.

· Ethical considerations, including IRB.

· Data Measurement including how are variables of interest will be measured (e.g., survey methods)

· Data Collection including the setting where data collection will be completed (e.g., in person, email survey, phone survey)

· Data Analysis including statistical tests (examples: correlations to measure the relationship between variables, a t-test or ANOVA to compare two groups or more groups)

· Limitations of the proposed study

See templates for outline and format.