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Students individually conduct a final project on a chosen topic to demonstrate their understanding of concepts learnt in class and their ability to apply these concepts to analyse how global Englishes are part of people and society. You are advised to pick a topic related to the themes discussed in class, such as, • Variation in World Englishes; • The standard English debate; and • New Englishes and the future of Englishes

Students individually conduct a final project on a chosen topic to demonstrate their understanding of concepts learnt in class and their ability to apply these concepts to analyse how global Englishes are part of people and society. You are advised to pick a topic related to the themes discussed in class, such as, • Variation in World Englishes; • The standard English debate; and • New Englishes and the future of Englishes. 1. Select on an issue or phenomenon in the field of sociolinguistics, preferably those covered in the course. 2. Decide on your research topic. Make sure it is specific enough. Seek advice from your instructor if necessary. 3. Have an outline. 4. Do your literature search. Look for relevant literature and research studies. 5. Collect data for analysis. They can be surveys, interviews, experiments or texts. 6. Use your research aims and questions to guide your data analysis. Decide which aspect(s) your analysis focuses on. Analyse your data as systematically as you can. Make sure that your findings can provide answers to your research questions. In your essay, you should include: • Introduction – E.g. background of your research study, research aims, research questions and significance of the study • Literature review – E.g. conceptual or theoretical background, related research studies of the area • Research methodology – E.g. description of data, an account of the data collection and data analysis processes • Findings and discussion • Conclusion • References • Appenedix (if necessary)