Organizational Development – GEB 4525
Organizational Development Concepts Chart
The Organizational Development partnership project should be planned around using tools, techniques, and concepts from the following lists. Process Models provide a roadmap to follow during an intervention. Diagnostic tools are methods to help the OD consultant understand the situations and challenges. Collecting Data includes
various methods for successfully gathering details needed to craft the intervention plan. Types of Interventions direct the focus of the intervention to the most needed
place(s) in the organization. The number is parentheses indicates the chapter of the textbook (or the article or week) where you can find more information.
Action Research
(Textbook 2)
OD Process (McLean)
Kotter’s 8-step Change
Model (Textbook 1,2)
McKinsey 7 S Model
(Textbook 2)
Lewin’s 3 Stage Model
(Week 7)
Process Models Diagnostic Tools Collecting Data Types of
Schein’s Cultural Iceberg
Harrison’s OD Model
(Textbook 2)
Robinson’s Need Hierarchy
The Gap Zapper (Robinson)
3 Kinds of Work (Robinson)
Knoster Model (Week 3)
Burke-Litwin Model
(Week 11)
Force field analysis (Week 7)
SWOT analysis (Week 7)
Explore who is the client
(Week 10)
Build trust (Week 9)
Obtain qualitative by
asking questions
(Textbook 3)
Obtain quantitative data by
doing a survey (Textbook 3)
Feedback (Textbook 3)
Persuasion (Week 8)
Strategic or tactical?
Individual, team, or
organizational level
(Textbook 5)
Partnership projects must include one item from each of the first two columns and should include one item from each of the third and fourth columns.
Example: What process was used, what diagnostic tools were used, how data was collected, and what type of intervention was recommended.