Provide backeround information regard ne selected demanor. mouse telerences Tron
Journals and cite within text of paper. You may also include the reasons for choosing the
nor. Do not include personal opinions, It you cannot support a statement with research..
it within you paper.
nation – Answer the Tolowing questions every time you chorse in the scicalcd de navior.
Th or dar
soon where you che sea in the benarion
cu are in the company of while engaging in the behavion
uch of behavior did vou engage in
Amation in a chart or journal form and include within body or paper
ased on baseine Information collected, The days of the weex wif be on the honzonta
als of the behavior you enraerd it interval of uma, amount of substance or number of
be on the verdcal aris.
e mrormation in regaros to variacres vanion Impacued ochavior.
reement screase and excain reward of punishment
con regarains denavior as aoove lanswer live questons from above section) and track.
en days with reintorcement in clace
marize results. Discuss what impacted resurs and be sure to indude learning theory in