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GET HELP- Week 6 – Assignment: Develop a Population Health Management Strategy In this assignment, you are to determine the most effective strategy or strategies for manag

Week 6 – Assignment: Develop a Population Health Management Strategy

In this assignment, you are to determine the most effective strategy or strategies for managing the health of a population. Remember, that the term intervention is used interchangeably with the term strategy.

Using your text and the resources for this week, identify PHM strategies designed as interventions for three chronic diseases (e.g., hypertension, diabetes, obesity). If you are currently employed in a position where you are involved with the management of chronic diseases, you may select one or two from your place of employment. The third must come from this week’s resources. Once this process is completed, please do the following:

• Identify the chronic disease you have selected and cite the resource.
• Identify and describe the intervention(s).
• Explain your reason for using the intervention(s).
• Discuss how you plan to implement the intervention(s).
• Identify at least one challenge of implementing the intervention(s).
• You should allow one to one-and-a-half pages for each chronic disease selected.

Length: 3-5 pages, not including title and reference pages

References: Include a minimum of 3 scholarly resources or government websites

• Population health: Principles and applications for management.
Caron, R. M. (2017). Population health: Principles and applications for management. Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.
Read Chapters 10, 12, 14.
• National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA). (2019). Population health management resource guide. Washington, DC: Author.
Read Components 3 and 4.
• Population health management coming of age
Zander, K. (2019). Population health management coming of age. Professional Case Management, 24(1), 26-38.