Introduction – Provide background information regarding selected behavior, Indude references from
three scholarty journals and ote withn text of paper. You may aise novoe the reasons for choosine the
wiected behavior. Do not include personal opinions. I you cannot support a katement win lese arch.
do not include it within your paper
Baseline Information – Answer the following questions every time you engage in the selected behavior
The locetion where you encated in the behavior
. Who you we in the company of while engagine in the behavior
4. How you feel
5. How much of behavior did you engage int
Record the information in a chart of loumal form and include within body of pager.
Create traph based on baseline information collected. The days of the week wil be on the horizonta
Introduce reinforcement schedule and explain reward of purishment.
Record information regarding behavior as above (antwer five questions from shove section) and tracti
behavior for seven days with reinforcement in place
Create kraph based on information coliccird.
Ans te information collected with reinforcement in place.
Discuss and summanize result. Discuss anas mpested resurd and be sure to couge learning theory in
ana vsis of outcomel